Finding and Cultivating Happiness Despite Loss and Cancer
January 15, 2025
This month’s call-in program will focus on how to find your way, despite great loss and life altering diagnoses. Ashlee Cramer, a widow and caregiver to her young adult son Michael knows plenty about loss, grit and resilience. Ashlee will share her personal story and how she manages it all. Ashlee is a certified Happy for No Reason Trainer (trained by Marci Shimoff herself) and has studied all about happiness and how it can be achieved even when life gets really tough. Ashlee will share and reference the book, “Happy for No Reason, 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out” written by Marci Shimoff, NY Times bestselling coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and a featured teacher in The Secret.” Jennifer Gillette, our licensed staff social worker, will host this call. There will be plenty of time for live questions.