13Thirty Cancer Connect
(585) 563-6221
www.13thirty.orgCoping skills and support for teens and young adults living with cancer.
- education
Disclaimer: Please note that these resources are regularly reviewed to ensure that links still work correctly and that the resources listed continue to be helpful to our visitors. If you find that a link isn’t working, information is incorrect or if you’d like to have your own organization listed here, please email [email protected].
Coping skills and support for teens and young adults living with cancer.
Match patients and caregivers with a trained volunteer who is a cancer survivor or caregiver.
Financial resource for qualified patients with specific rare chronic diseases including premium and co-payment assistance, Medicare Part D co-insurance, infusion and nursing services and travel assistance to/from a treatment center.
Volunteers from sixty different groups perform public benefit flying for health care, patient transport.
Free air transportation for adults and children who must travel for medical necessity or humanitarian needs.
Dedicated to raising funds for childhood cancer research, raising awareness and supporting families. Childhood cancer data, SuperSibs! Program.
Travel For Care program helps to offset travel expenses (travel and lodging) for families who must travel to receive potentially lifesaving treatment for a child.
Provides support for the families of children with cancer, through financial assistance with travel for treatment, creative emotional support programs, and advocacy to promote policy changes, awareness, and education.
National association whole members provide coverage for health care and related services.
Disease and treatment information. Information on how to manage insurance, financial and legal issues, as well as patient/caregiver support, lodging (Hope Lodge) and transportation. Volunteer drivers provide transportation to and from medical appointments.
Resources for children with cancer including support beads and medical play kits
Information on reproductive medicine.
Patient resources for those affected by amyloidosis including websites and support groups, toolkits, and webinars; information on treatment centers and clinical trials; and caregiver resources.
Patient information for aplastic anemia, MDS, PNH and other bone marrow failure disease.
Tool for families to locate respite and crisis care services in their communities; and to serve as a strong voice for respite in all forums.
Local Number: (847) 433-3313
Patient-friendly books on transplant and graft-versus-host disease. Annual survivorship symposium and webinar on issue of interest to transplant patients. Peer support program.
Local Phone: (212) 838-3029
Provides financial assistance, educational information and support programs. Financial assistance in the form of Lifeline Fund providing living and ancillary expenses; One-to-One Funds to support a specific patient and Scholarship Grants for educational purposes of bone marrow stem cell and cord blood transplant survivors. Email: [email protected]
Online chat room for transplant patients and their loved ones.
This company offers easy, affordable HLA testing to help patients and families identify compatible donors for a transplant. HLA test kit can be ordered on this site.
People experiencing dry eye and other ocular complications from graft versus host disease may get relief from PROSE treatment and SCLERAL lens product.
Cancer and Careers empowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in their workplace by providing expert advice, interactive tools and educational events.
A coalition of financial assistance organizations, CFAC is a group of organizations that offer an interactive database to search financial or practical help by diagnosis, location and need.
Unable to respond to individual requests for financial assistance, please search the CFAC database. You may also contact each CFAC member organization individually for guidance and possible financial assistance.
Cancer Hope Network provides free and confidential one-on-one support to cancer patients and their families by matching cancer patients and/or family members with trained volunteers who have themselves undergone and recovered from a similar cancer experience.
Legal information and education regarding cancer-related legal issues and disability rights.
Local number: 202-659-9709
Support services for cancer patients and information about caregiving; links to in-person support groups.
Local number: (212) 712-8080
Support services for cancer patients and survivors including peer support. Additionally, there are support groups and information for caregivers. Limited financial assistance available for eligible individuals for treatment-related costs such as transportation, home and child care and co-payment assistance for chemotherapy and targeted treatment drugs. Site includes an online, searchable database of financial and practical assistance for cancer patients.
Resources for caregivers.
Information and peer support for caregivers before, during and after caregiving.
Computer program to organize and share medical and contact records.
Offers personal website page to share health updates, photos and support.
A program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, provides free resources to help people make decisions about end-of-life care and services.
Locate a catholic charity organization in your area to ask for assistance with daily living expenses.
Data on transplant and post- transplant outcomes.
Local number: (617) 948-5100
Information on global clinical trials.
Local Phone: (717) 688-7940
Toys and games for children, camp scholarships for children in remission and Helping Hands Fund which provides emergency bridge payments to utility companies and landlords.
Co-Pay Assistance Programs offers help with leukemia-related medical bills.
The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) exists to assist children and young adults who require a life-saving organ, bone marrow, cord blood or stem cell transplant by offering fund-raising assistance and a Transplant Expense Estimator.
Consumer Affairs’ cord blood banking video provides information for expectant parents on how the cord blood collection process actually works.
Consumer magazine and website sharing information from the medical professionals and coping strategies from patients, caregivers and their loved ones.
Information about donating cord blood for public use or storing it for private use.
Arrange free flights to transport cancer patients who qualify to hospitals using the empty seats on corporate aircraft flying on routine business.
Guide to every stage of the cancer experience.
Their mission is to end childhood cancer by driving research with measurable results in an accelerated time frame.
A nationwide service that connects older Americans and their caregivers with a database of trustworthy local support resources.
Elephants and Tea is a media company with the mission to help adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, survivors and caregivers experience relief through self-expression, inspiring others during their cancer journey and connecting people with supportive organizations across the nation. We have the only magazine written for and by AYA cancer patients, survivors and caregivers telling their story in their own words.
Expect Miracles Foundation (EMF) rallies the financial services industry and beyond to invest in life-saving cancer research while advancing the financial and emotional health of people impacted by cancer.
Information on caregiver services, policy and research.
Boston Phone: (857) 233-2764. Provides a Financial Handbook for educational purposes and a Financial Navigator to work alongside patients and their oncology team. Grants for patients in active treatment covering everyday needs such as mortgage, rent, car payments, insurance, utilities, transportation to treatment center, lodging, daycare, homecare and palliative care
Family Voices is a national, grassroots clearinghouse for information and education concerning the health care of children with special health needs.
Education and support for patients and their families; advancing treatments and researching a cure for Faconi anemia.
Connects people who are currently experiencing or who have overcome the same disease, illness, handicap or injury in order to communicate for mutual support.
Information regarding blood cancers and bone marrow registry.
GiveForward is now part of GoFundMe, the largest and most trusted free fundraising platform.
Helps people overcome financial burdens while they deal with life-threatening and debilitating diseases. Help with co-pays and premium assistance, medication and travel expenses.
Transplant resource and donor information. Options for cord blood banking and donation.
Patient friendly educational information and connection to research of rare diseases.
A nationwide professional association of nonprofit organizations that provide lodging and support services to patients, families and their loved-ones who are receiving medical treatment far from their home community.
Helps the underinsured afford critical medical treatment by providing assistance with co-pays, premiums, deductibles, out of pocket expenses.
(Formerly National Transplant Assistance Fund) Support community-based fundraising for people with unmet medical and related expenses.
This is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for young adult cancer patients, survivors
and their caregivers to share humorous and poignant stories about cancer and to get the needed support during this tough, unique journey. They also provide care packages to those going through cancer treatment to brighten their days during a tough time.
Additional toll-free number: (866) 463-7626
Peer support for cancer patients of any age, survivors, caregivers and loved ones.
Local Phone: (410) 321-6647
Helps patients and medical community gain a broader understanding of primary immunodeficiency diseases through education and outreach efforts.
Local Phone: (818) 487-7455
Information regarding multiple myeloma. Information about global clinical trials.
Provides information and educational programs. Offers mutual support and encouragement to the WM community and others with an interest in the disease.
Helps patients and their families locate and join clinical trials pertaining to blood cancers or blood disorders via an interactive search program.
Helps cancer patients find a place to say when traveling for medical treatment via an interactive search option.
Funding research for all blood cancers. Financial assistance for Illinois Residents or those within a 100-mile radius of Chicago, for treatment-related expenses not covered by medical insurance that may include doctor visits, co-pays, deductibles, hospital care, laboratory work and prescription expenses for transplant recipients.
They can help with food, vision, and childhood cancer help.
Local number: (855) 220-7777 toll-free
Support entrepreneurs developing products to improve treatment and patient care.
On-line program that provides the tools to ask for help with needs like meals, rides or visits.
Encourages people to sign up for the national Bone Marrow Registry at concerts.
Information and funding research for lymphoma. Provides limited financial assistance for qualified expenses related to lymphoma treatment such as medical bills, transportation costs and lodging. Clinical trial information service.
Information about myelodysplastic syndromes and related myeloid neoplasms, and clinical trials.
Offers a web-based program and mobile app to track medicines.
National non-profit consumer service organization that works to ensure access to affordable healthcare for older adults and people with disabilities. Provides health insurance counseling and education.
Explanation of insurance coverage, doctors, medical facilities that accept Medicare. Information on home health and transitional care covered services, advance directives, and long-term care.
MAT is a free-to-use search engine that focuses its searches on patient assistance resources available to eligible patients. Building upon the Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA), MAT gives patients, loved ones and health care providers a single point of access to hundreds of public and private assistance programs, as well as connecting them with more transparent information about the cost of medicine.
Information about all forms of charitable, long-distance medically related transportation including commercial airline transportation, ground transportation, and volunteer pilot flights.
Provides free air and ground transportation for ill, injured, and wounded veterans and their family for medical care.
Conferences for transplant survivors, their families and caregivers presenting cutting edge research and new treatments for GVHD. Raising funds for blood cancer and GVHD research.
Information to help people living with a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN), their family, caregivers, friends and other members of the community.
Local Phone: (203) 229-0464
Information and funding research on multiple myeloma. Clinical Trial Finder.
National, non-profit coalition advancing family caregiving through research, innovation and advocacy.
Local number: (248) 358-1886
Supporting and informing people about their cancer diagnosis and the transplant process through personalized support is at the core of the mission of the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link.
Since 1992, the LINK has been linking and caring, providing a number of services and resources designed to meet the needs of the patient and caregiver community while partnering with healthcare professionals globally.
Offering webinars and telephone series regarding GVHD. Programs offer education with available time for questions and answers from a renowned medical specialist. Previous recordings available on the LINK website.
Cancer information services for patients and caregivers regarding cancer, treatment, clinical trials and transplant. NCI cancer blog.
For information on cancer clinical trials, please visit www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials
An important resource for people living with chronic GVHD is the National Cancer Institute’s chronic GVHD clinical trial program. Patients between the ages of 1 to 75 can schedule an appointment for a comprehensive evaluation of their GVHD. The medical evaluation is free of charge and takes place in Bethesda, Maryland. The program is part of a clinical trial designed to gather a national database of information about chronic GVHD so that better treatments can be developed. To learn more about this study, you or your doctor may contact the study research staff using the contact information provided by the sponsor.
Advocates for quality cancer care; resource for cancer care policy. Offers a Cancer Survivor Toolbox and specific disease information.
View National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) resources for people with cancer and caregivers, including guidelines, language translations, webinars, and more.
Email inquiries: [email protected]
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute conducts world-class research through ongoing clinial trials at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. NHLBI conducts clinical trials for a number of blood diseases and disorders which may include Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD), AML/CLL/SLL leukemias, lymphocytosis and lymphomas, severe aplastic anemia, Fanconi anemia, Sickle Cell Disease, telomere related diseases, bone marrow failure syndromes, and hematologic malignancies. To learn more about current clinical trials conducted by NHLBI, please call or email the Office of Patient Recruitment at the contact above.
The NIH is comprised of 27 Institutes/Centers and each facility offers access to their own FREE clinical trial. Covered expenses such as travel and lodging will vary by the specific clinical trial. For more information, call this telephone number and choose the option for patient recruitment.
Local Phone: (203) 744-0100
Information on rare diseases including GVHD. Patient financial assistance with medication, insurance premiums and co-pays, diagnostic testing and travel for clinical trials or consultation with disease specialists. This website provides links to Medication Assistance Resources, Free or Reduced Cost Medical Care, Cancer Financial Support, Travel and Recreation and School / Employment Resources. Note: GVHD is classified as a rare disease.
Wide range of information regarding pediatric health (English & Spanish).
NMDP Patient Support Center for transplant patients, caregivers and their families offers free services including one-on-one support, virtual support groups, emotional and financial assistance, and more. Help is tailored to individual needs. Services in English and Spanish. Email: [email protected]
Educational support for patients, caregivers and practitioners.
Cord blood banking or donation information; therapies using cord blood.
Arbitration, mediation and negotiation regarding issues of care, medical debt and job retention. Co-pay relief and small financial grant program. Scholarship program for undergraduate or graduate studies for legal residents of the United States and have been diagnosed with or treated for cancer, a chronic or life-threatening debilitating disease as a child or young adult.
Local number: (913) 725-1600
Cancer guides by diagnosis. Provides resource listing for cancer information, financial assistance and caregiver help.
Local number: (703) 556-7172
Information regarding infertility and family building options.
Local number: (816) 854-5050
General cancer information for the patient and their loved ones.
Supports the mental health and well-being of individuals, families, and professional caregivers; effective caregiving practices.
Assists with food, shelter, utilities, and other necessities when a family is in economic crisis.
Listing of helpful organizations for low income families requiring financial assistance with utility payment, mortgage, rent and medical bills.
Opportunity for patients and their loved ones to share GVHD information online.
Professional organization setting and maintaining standards in the area of assisted reproduction.
They partner with experts to create moments of joy and comfort for hospitalized kids and their families.
Support for young adults with cancer including live events.
The Blood Cancer Foundation of Michigan (formerly CLF) is a 70-year-old organization whose mission is to ensure the emotional, social and financial stability of Michigan patients and families as they navigate their blood cancer journey. All BCFM programs and services are delivered free of charge, for as long as patients and families need them — upon diagnosis, through treatment, and beyond.
Provides education for patients, and promotes research into the causes of and cures for peripheral neuropathy.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services. LLS is the leading source of free, highly specialized blood cancer information, education and support for patients, survivors, families and healthcare professionals.
Patient Aid Program provides payments to blood cancer patients in active treatment to ground transportation, air travel, lodging related expenses and co-pay assistance. The Urgent Need Program helps blood cancer patients enrolled in clinical trials with assistance for non-medical expenses including rent, mortgage, lodging, utilities, childcare, elder care, food, transportation, car repair, car insurance, telephone service and acute dental work related to treatment. Nurse navigators assist patients and caregivers find clinical trials.
Provides emotional, financial and educational support to children with cancer, their families and survivors. Provides travel costs associated with children’s cancer treatment and other living expenses while child is hospitalized for an extended time.
Helps eligible patients receive brand-name medications at little or no cost.
Provides support to young adults who are struggling financially due to cancer. Twice a year, gives grants to survivors aged 21-39 to help with medical bills, living expenses, education.
The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program is an employment program for people with disabilities who are interested in going to work.
Information, support and guidance for family and professional caregivers.
Together is a free website for anyone affected by childhood cancer, no matter where the patient receives treatment. Powered by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, families will find trusted information, practical resources, and shared stories.
National, nonprofit organization that provides education on the practical and legal issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers.
The Ulman Foundation addresses areas of cancer support, advocacy, and education specific to young adults dealing with cancer. The Comprehensive Support Program for Young Adults Affected by Cancer (CSP) offers a support network that addresses the unique needs of this population, including college scholarships, networking groups, and a survival guidebook.
Can connect you to resources in your community that may assist you with local support for a variety of daily living needs.
Provides cord blood and cord tissue collection, processing and five years of storage at no cost to families who have a child in need of a transplant and meet the other requirements of the program.
Provides cancer information, communication and advocates for cancer patients internationally. The grant program will assist those facing a significant financial hardship due to the diagnosis of a chronic condition such as cancer.
Local number: (732) 577-8899
Education and peer support for spousal caregiver.